Chiropractic Got me Back into Ironman Competition
After I did my first triathlon at age 15 I dreamed about competing in a full Ironman. Unfortunately I had knee and back problems and had a difficult time with high impact activities. I was told several times by many doctors that running and high impact sports were not in my future, I actually had to stop running for 4 years.
I started working with Dr Sharp in January of 2009 and I was able to complete my first Half Ironman in Sept 2009 only 10 months later! I am currently registered to compete in a Full Ironman this coming August 2010. I can’t believe after working with Dr. Sharp for 1 3/4 years my dream is actually going to come true. I thought I had lost it long ago!
– Jessica F.
Chiropractic help Back Spasms
I was recommended to Dr. Sharp by a close friend after experiencing the worst back spasms. I doubt I would have had, or continue to have, the same results if I would have went to another Chiropractor. I have been going to Dr. Sharp since February and my back has gotten progressively better. I can honestly say Dr. Sharp knows the ends and outs of Chiropractic Care and the steps his patients should take outside of his office to ensure continued rehabilitation and healing. Every time I walk in the office I am greeted by pleasant, smiling faces, thanks so much Amanda and Tonya for making patients feel comfortable, and providing a relaxed atmosphere for patients. Thanks for all you do Dr. Sharp and Staff
– Tanii’ M.
The Best Chiropractor Around
I’d always heard chiropractors were “quacks” and if you started going to a chiropractor you’ll always have to go. Well, I agree that I want to keep going, but that is to maintain optimal health, not because I have to.
About 10 years ago I lived in Florida. I was having pain in my upper back. It wasn’t terrible, just uncomfortable. When I asked my general M.D. about it she didn’t really offer any valid help. A friend highly recommended chiropractic. It took me a year to finally give in and try it. Imagine my surprise when it worked!
– Marlene A.
Help with degenerative Disc Disease
Dr. Sharp and his staff, Tonya and Amanda, have been a God sent. When I first showed up to the office about 6 weeks ago I could hardly walk or stand up, now I am back to work and making good head way. They are very friendly and they know you by name and that means alot to me.
I have degenerative disc disease. My regular doctor referred me over to him and I saw her today and she asked me how everything is going and I told her, she said she will go see Dr. Sharp herself. I just think that if you are thinking about going to a chiropractor then there is only one person to go to and that is Dr. Sharp and staff. Thank you for everything Dr. Sharp.
– Kimberly M.
Auto Accident Help
I am 41 years old and have battled back problems since an auto accident in 1990. By working out and staying in shape I was able to deal with my bad back until December 2004 when a large rupture/herniation resulted in nerve damage and forced me to have surgery (discectomy) to remove a portion of the damaged disk. Life was fairly normal until October 2007 when I had another rupture/herniation in the same area. Two rounds of oral steroids and two spinal injections offered very little relief from the pain.
By the end of December I was looking at surgery dates as it appeared the only way to fix my back was spinal fusion (pins, screws and a spacer). My martial arts (jujitsu) instructor being a patient of Dr. Sharp’s suggested I give him a try before having surgery. Despite my extreme skepticism I began treatment in mid January of this year. I am pleased to say after 2 months I am 80-85% improved, am working out six days/week and have resumed jujitsu class.
– R E Hill
Chiropractic is the Best
I had always heard terrible things about chiropractic so I never pursued or even considered going to one for any reason. I have had several ordeals with my back; whiplash, sclerosis in my lower back, fractured a vertebra, etc. I never had anyone recommend or even suggest seeing a chiropractor. When we attended a health fair, we ran into a friend whom we respected through a ministry we were involved in. Come to find out he was a chiropractor. This opened the door.
– Ted & Karey B.